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Pictures: Students participate municipal skills competitions

时间:2010-05-23 14:50:37  来源:  作者:

On March 19, led by Vice-Principal Huang Shurong, 44 students are on behalf of our school to participate in tea, hairdressing, accounting, computers, and logistics skills competitions. Competitions are held in the Tourism VMS(Vocational Middle School), Electronic VMS, Financial VMS and Telecommunications VMS. The competitions not only are involved team participants from Fujian Province, also invited students of Vocational Schools in Taiwan to carry out exhibition.

Our participants, all full of confidence, are ready to show their skills in the game. Wish the students in the competition to obtain outstanding results for representatives to participate Skills Competition held in Xiamen, Fujian Province April 13.



Participants、Models、Teachers and Vice-Principal Huang Shurong


Tea participants and teachers


Dinner makeup participant Zhuang Lijuan and model


Dinner makeup paticipant Liu Tingting and her model

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